
ImpactScope plans to become the distributed ledger of choice for organizations wishing to incentivize, measure, and track the impact of their initiatives. To start the journey, the first use case and focus of this whitepaper is to offset the CO2 emissions of cryptocurrencies. As the traditional carbon offset market has been criticized for its complexity and opacity. This means that crypto market players lack an easy and trusted way to verify the lineage and environmental impact of offsets.

This is where ImpactScope comes in. The ImpactScope platform uses a unique approach to sustainability verification, which includes the use of sustainable public ledgers that enable market players to track and offset their impact on the environment.

ImpactScope uses a novel combination of Proof of Impact and sustainable consensus mechanism to create a system that is more energy-efficient, more verifiable, and less expensive than alternative carbon offset programs in the crypto ecosystem. In the long term, the objective is to extend the Proof of Impact to other use cases of different types and not necessarily focus on crypto or climate change.

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